The Prep and Follow up time feature allows you to create services with predefined buffers. These buffers are automatically calculated in the duration of the service and displayed as a lighter colored area before or after the appointment block.
Your customer will only see the actual duration of the service (without the buffer).

This is how you create preparation and follow up times for your services
When you create a service, you can enable the Prep and Follow Time section.
It opens a field in which you can define – besides the duration of the service – a prep and / or a follow up time.
As you can see in the following example, your client would now see a 1 hour appointment ,while in your calendar this appointment will be created with a duration of 95 minutes: the appointment itself is 60 minutes, prep time is 15 minutes and follow up time is 20 minutes.

Even if you have no prep or follow up time predefined for a service, you can manually add it to an appointment at any time.

To see this setting in the appointment window, you need to enable this feature in the calendar settings (⚙ icon in the upper left corner of the calendar).

Thanks to the preparation and follow up times, you can optimally prepare for appointments and, for example, also plan arrival times.