Good to know:

  • Service Allocation Groups is part of our Core Product and available in our Enterprise plan.

  • Changes you make in this feature do not become active immediately but always at midnight.

  • A service allocation of up to 99% can be applied across any number of service allocation groups.

  • ℹ️ The percentage defines how much time of the working time per week from all resources, as well as dependencies responsible for this service, shall be made available.

How this article is structured:

  1. How Service Allocation Groups Works - Giving an Example

  2. Let Us Have a Look at the Settings

1. How Service Allocation Groups Works - Giving an Example

To use the feature you need to go to Settings > Bookings in the menu. Click on the edit pen and scroll all the way down, there you will find Service Allocation Groups. Enable the feature by activating the slide bar and you can start with the set-up!

Click on the button + Add Group to create your first group.

In this example we will create our first group with three services which are the most valuable for our studio, 'Strength Building', 'Laser Therapy' and 'Shoe Shopping Slot'. We want 60% of all service availability and resource capacity to be assigned to these three services. We name this group 'Prioritised services' and we are done with the first group.

We are now creating a second group with two services for which we do not want to provide much booking time. We assign 10% to this group and name it 'Less focus on'.

ℹ️ Note the box appearing at the bottom in the screenshot above:

Our remaining service availability will be applied to all services which are not included in one of the two groups we created.

We are done with creating our Service Allocation Groups and will move on to the settings!

2. Let Us Have a Look at the Settings

The settings are at the very end, right before the save button. You can activate three options, whereby the third is only available for selection after at least one of the first options has been activated.

1. Activate for calendar

You can activate this option if you want to be informed by the predefined availabilities of certain services.

ℹ️ Note that no booking will be blocked in the calendar even if the capacity for one service is already reached for this week.

2. Activate for the booking widget

Select this option if you want your predefined availabilities to take effect in the widget.

Mind that this means that once the time for the resources assigned to the service is reached, the service will no longer appear on the widget for your customer to book while you will be able to book it in the calendar.

3. Suspend service allocation groups before the week ends

Here you can define after how many hours or days you want this feature to suspend before the week ends. In case you are located in Europe your calendar week starts with a Monday.

In our screenshot below we set the lead time at 3 days. Thus service allocations will not apply after Wednesday.