Conversion Tracking is a new feature that allows you to gather data on the booking behaviour of your customers and see your conversions. Read on to see how to quickly set it up and use it.

Good to know:

  • Make sure you have a set-up Facebook Business Account and/or a Google Analytics Account in advance, depending on which of the platforms you want to check your conversions.

Article structure:

  1. How to Set it Up

  2. What the Feature Looks Like for Your Customers

  3. How Conversion Tracking Works - an Example Flow

1. How to Set it Up

The options sits in Settings > Booking > Widget and is by default disabled.

You can select Use Enterprise Rule if you have enabled it on branch manager level already for your branch companies, and you want this branch to inherit your global set-up.

Otherwise, you can just disable this option and set up the functionality locally for the specific branch company you are at the moment.

The way you do that is by choosing to enable conversion tracking for either Facebook, Google Analytics or both of them:

When enabled, each of these options reveals a field where you need to place your tracking ID. This is a little piece of code which you can take from Facebook and Google. If you do not know how to do it, simply use the step-by-step article that the Click here hint will take you to.

EU GDPR requires that a consent message is displayed to your visitors for the purpose of data collection and, therefore, there is a message displayed about it. However, if your business operates only outside of Europe for example and you may find this unnecessary, you can select the type of visitors you want this message to show to from the drop-down:

Last comes the EU-GDPR message itself. You have the option to customise the text by enabling Edit visitor consent message. Once enabled, you will see the default message text that will show to your visitors in the widget, and writing your customised version over it will replace it.

2. What the Feature Looks Like for Your Customers

Once the feature is set-up this is what it looks like for your customers who will see it in your widget during the booking process:

According to EU GDPR, tracking should be disabled until the consent of the user. This means that when a user opens your widget and goes through the booking steps without clicking Allow all or Customise Settings, no conversion will be triggered to any of the activated platforms.

And so, if the customer clicks on Disable all, the feature will not send conversion tracking data to your Facebook and/or Google Analytics.

If the customer clicks on Allow all, then conversion tracking data will be sent to your Facebook and/or Google Analytics.

If the customer clicks on Customise Settings, then they can choose whether they want for cookie data to be stored and used, and by which platform:

And if the customer clicks on Privacy Policy, they are of course relocated to your Privacy Policy page. Mind that this hyperlinked-text option shows with the other ones only if you have saved a Privacy Policy link in your Bookings > Edit booking settings page from here:

If this is disabled and not filled in, then you will not see the Privacy Policy link in the widget.

3. How Conversion Tracking Works - an Example Flow

Once the functionality is set-up, the customer would go to your widget where they will see the cookie message under all of your services.

ℹ️ Mind that the message (along with all of the widget texts) appear in the language of your company locale i.e. if it is a German company locale, this will be in German, unless you have allowed the Widget language selector.

Customers would need to click Allow All which will allow for all cookies to be stored, and this way data will be sent to your Facebook Page and/or Google Analytics for the display of conversion tracking to happen.

ℹ️ Mind that only data for completed bookings will be sent. This means that should a customer drop out in the middle of the booking process and they do not finish it, no data will be stored.

And when a purchase is done for example, here is how you see it.

In Google Analytics you need to go to Sales Performance where you will be able to see your revenue for different events i.e. bookings:

Each of the Transaction IDs you can see stand for a booking that a customer has made. And if it is a group booking - which are dynamic in the sense that more participants can join them any time - the ID will update the revenue automatically for you in such cases.

ℹ️ However, mind that Google Analytics will not update any changes in the service price in the case of a rescheduled event.

As for Facebook, in order to see conversions data, you need to go to Events Manager → Data Sources where you will see an overview of total events (bookings) with details for a period of X days:

And when you click on View Details (bottom-right corner) you will also see the revenue from your events.