Here is what you need to know:

  • There are many settings you can influence. In this article we will discuss the views in your calendar and the calendar settings as such.

  • Information on language settings of your TIMIFY calendar is available here

  • A full explanation of settings regarding the booking setup (widget, booking setup, integration) is available here

How this article is structured:

  1. All about Calendar Views

  2. Calendar Settings Explained

1. All about Calendar Views

The TIMIFY calendar offers you two views to get the best view of your own appointments and those of your employees.

After logging in, you will find yourself in your own week view.

You can filter between all resources by opening the resource selection in the calendar header.

Here you can now select or deselect a specific resource and thus freely arrange the overview.

Furthermore, you can also select the day view in the top right-hand corner of the calendar.

You can display up to 5 resources in the week view and unlimited resources in the day view.

2. Calendar Settings Explained

Click the gear symbol to access the calendar settings. Here you can

  • change the time zone

  • adjust the time span for viewing your calendar

  • determine the height of the calendar cells

  • define which weekdays are to be displayed

  • select whether working and/or online booking times are displayed

  • and activate the selection for different appointment types.