Our Split Bookings feature allows you to break up a booking into a series of work intervals and gaps. It is perfect for services you offer that have break times, as you can allocate the resources involved elsewhere during "gap" times.

How the article is structured:

  1. What Can This Setting Be Used for?

  2. How Do You Create a Split Service or Appointment?

  3. How to Delete a Split Booking

1. What Can This Setting Be Used for?

Depending on the service, an appointment may have to be split into several individual appointments. Let us take as an example a hairdressing salon that offers the service "hair coloring". In the first part of the appointment, color is applied to the customer. The color must then take effect and only after that the hairdresser can start working with the customer again.

While the color takes effect and the customer browses e.g. in a magazine, the hairdresser can take another appointment.

This is exactly what you can do with split bookings and therefore manage your workload perfectly and automatically.

2. How Do You Create a Split Service or Appointment?

As soon as you create a new service in the Management > Services section, you can activate the Split into intervals

Here you can now set different intervals with pauses in between. 

As soon as an appointment with this service is booked online or you create it yourself, the split appointment is displayed as follows in your calendar:

You can also divide the duration of an appointment into different sections without a predefined service.
To do this, you will need to activate the Settings for booking intervals in the calendar settings (gear symbol at the top left of the calendar).

When you create an appointment, you can divide the duration into several sections.

3. How to Delete a Split Booking

Just like with a "regular" appointment, you can also delete splitted appointments. Here you can decide whether you want to delete both intervals at the same time (e.g. customer does not attend the appointment after all) or only one interval (e.g. customer does not need "follow-up treatment"):

Split bookings enable you to use the waiting time of customers in between different parts of the appointment for other appointments.