Article Structure:

  1. Activate the Function

  2. Repeat Single Bookings

  3. Repeat Group Bookings

  4. Edit and Delete Recurring Bookings

1. Activate the Function

From your calendar view, go to Calendar Settings (⚙ symbol at the top left of your calendar) and in the menu activate the Repeat Bookings function.

In the appointment window, the function Repeat will then be available to you.

2. Repeat Single Bookings

When you activate the function, additional options will appear which allow you to adjust how this Single Booking will be repeated.

  • Repeat type: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Custom.

You can also define if you want to repeat the service until a specific date, how often to be repeated (specific days of the week) or end it after several occurrences.

3. Repeat Group Bookings

When creating Group Bookings, you have additional options on how the bookings will be repeated.
Note that the first Group Booking is always the one you have selected on your calendar.

  • Independent series:

    This option gives you the flexibility to repeat the same service over the defined period of time, but the participant list will not be copied over for each group booking in the series. Participants can be added to the group manually, or self-schedule themselves online.

  • Connected series:
    In this case, the participant list from this booking will be copied to each subsequent participant list in the series of repeated bookings.

As soon as you create the appointment, it will be set to the frequency you have defined. Should the series collide with already existing appointments in the calendar, you will receive a message and can edit the series in advance. This prevents double bookings.

4. Edit and Delete Recurring Bookings

ℹ️ Keep in mind that when you edit Single Bookings, you will not have the option to apply the changes to all following bookings as they are not considered series of bookings. Indifferently, if the same customer is assigned to all repeated bookings.

  • Delete entire series or individual appointments from a series

If you want to delete one or more appointments from an existing series, click on the appointment and then on the recycle bin icon. You will now be asked if you would like to delete the entire series, only this particular event, or all future events from this series.

  • Move an entire series or individual appointments from a series 

When you edit an appointment that is part of a series, you can also define whether you want to edit only that one appointment, all the appointments in the series, or all future appointments in the series. Once you have selected the desired option, you will then proceed to edit the booking(s) settings.